Professional Education in Nagaland

Under this category admissions are offered to both types of candidates i.e. candidates from general education streams and candidates from technical education streams. Generally, students interested in administrative jobs chose to study these programmes. Popular professional education programmes are
  • Bachelors in Business Administration: +2 pass students are eligible.
  • Integrated Programmes: +2 pass students are eligible.
  • Masters in Business Administration: Students with bachelor's degree are eligible
  • Chartered Accountancy: Both +2 pass and students with bachelor’s degree are eligible.
  • Company Secretary: Both +2 pass and students with bachelor’s degree are eligible.
  • Cost and Work Accounts: Both +2 pass and students with bachelor’s degree are eligible.
  • Legal Education: Both +2 pass and students with bachelor’s degree are eligible.
Admission is offered on the basis of performance in entrance examinations.

Besides degree courses, diploma programmes, post graduate degree programmes, certificate courses etc are also popular. The programme duration is less and gives quick access to the job market. However candidates from diploma streams may require to work longer in industry to complete the training before they get actual responsibility.

For more details about professional education see Career Options.
For more details about Professional Education providers see Apex bodies
For more details about latest admissions etc see EducationNews.Shiksha

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