Elementary Education System in Nagaland

An important stage of child development is elementary education in Nagaland as it makes the foundation for every citizen. The state government has taken several steps to improve elementary education, including:
Communitization of elementary education.

This scheme has improved the infrastructure and functions of government schools in rural areas in Nagaland. However, to see further progress, there is a need to strengthen the relationship between teachers, VECs, and parents.

Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA)
This program is an effort to universalize elementary education in Nagaland through community ownership of the school system.

Transportation arrangements
The government of the state makes arrangements for safe transportation for children with disabilities so that they can attend school.

No child to be barred from school
No child is to be barred from attending school due to cultural or social factors.

Some challenges to elementary education in Nagaland are:
  • Dropouts
  •  Under-qualified teachers
  •  Untimely supply of teaching and learning materials
  •  Poor transport and communication network
  •  Difficulty in procuring adequate teachers for middle schools
  •  Language issue at the primary level
The Department of School Education in Nagaland manages and administers 2071 government schools.

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